One of the great privileges of living in Fort Collins is enjoying the countless natural areas, parks, and hiking trails. For our latest Community Works activity, our team participated in the spring clean-up event at Twin Silo Park. Twin Silo is one of Fort Collins’ newest community parks and includes herb gardens, orchards, trails, vertical hydroponic gardens, a hops garden, and the tallest slide in Fort Collins.  Earlier this spring our team ran a 5K at Twin Silo, but this time we rolled up our sleeves and worked with the City of Fort Collins’ crew to clean up the grounds of weeds and trash. 

We found the outdoor labor to be a welcome relief from sitting at a computer all day … though we now know with absolute certainty none of us would be willing to give up our air conditioning on a full-time basis! We have a great appreciation for those who work tirelessly at the City of Fort Collins maintaining our community parks, and we were grateful for the opportunity to join them.