For our Blue Margin team, it was no sweat. Ninety-one degrees, a broken air conditioner, and multiple ovens-a-blazing to cook lunch for a room full of people … well, it actually was pretty sweaty.

Sweltering conditions didn’t stop the Loveland Community Kitchen from serving lunch to over 80 Loveland residents who need a nutritious meal.  

We served patrons from all walks of life –  5 meatballs, 4 ounces of spaghetti, 4 ounces of sauce, 2 pieces of fruit, 3 ounces of vegetables, and a piece of bread.   Each serving is rationed, every meatball is accounted for, and an accurate count of those who come back for seconds is recorded.  Why?  Because food is limited, only so many people can be served per day, and reporting is required to maintain support.  With over 50,000 meals served annually, precise coordination of donations from local grocery stores, individuals, churches, and other organizations is what keeps the kitchen running like clock-work.

After everyone was served, we washed dishes, sterilized tables, swept and mopped the floors, and took out the trash.  It took a team of 7 volunteers over 3 hours to coordinate this process –  for just one meal. 

From Blue Margin to Loveland Community Kitchen – we are inspired by what you do day-in and day-out to help those most in need.  Even a downed air conditioner and a 100+ degree kitchen can’t stop your important work.