It’s that time of year again!

Blue Margin Community Works volunteered with Homeless Gear to set up for their annual Toast to Transitions event.  Let’s just say our team members are darn-near-experts at setting up for this event – we enjoy it every year!

Toast to Transitions is Homeless Gear’s largest source of revenue generation, with more than 285 community members who attended this year. 

We whipped out our measuring tapes, took direction from the event planner, and transformed the venue from gymnasium to grand dining room.

Why use a measuring tape, you ask?  We had to squeeze in every possible table to accommodate for this growing event! 

Here is what Pam, Toast to Transitions Event Coordinator, shared with us after the event:

Thank you so much for your help with Thursday’s set-up for Homeless Gear’s Toast to Transitions event. You were all so helpful, incredibly patient, and so nice to work with. I think I would have been there till midnight without your help! 🙂

We don’t have our donations completely tallied yet, but it looks like we did very, very well.  Thank you for being a part of Homeless Gear!  

Thanks again!


Blue Margin is grateful to be a part of this event!