Want a team building experience?  There’s no better way to bond with your office-mates than holding each other’s lives in your very hands!

Recently, the Blue Margin team experienced a bit of that bonding at “Rock It with Blue Margin”, a rock-climbing event for team members and their families.  After a long work day, we rendezvous’d with our families at the office for dinner, and then headed to Inner Strength Rock Gym to climb.  

Some of the expert rock climbers in our group demonstrated the basics and helped everyone get certified by the gym’s staff.  Before long, our group filled up almost every wall in gym.  Veterans and newbies alike climbed, belayed, took pictures, and cheered people on as they tried to grab onto the next rock.

Echoes of, “Go Mama! You can do it!” rang through the room as one of the kids watched her mom finish her very first rock climb.  Some of the couples practiced their communication skills and tested their trust as one spouse belayed while another climbed. (Free couples’ therapy, anyone?).  And everyone got lots of practice saying those magic words: “On belay?” “Belay on.” “Climbing?” “Climb on.”

 It was awesome to see everyone pushing their limits and doing something fun together outside of the office.  And since we all had so much fun, we’re already planning our next adventure.  

Stay tuned!