At Blue Margin, we are actively creating a culture that defies the typical American employee experience:  the 8-to-5 grind, the micromanaging boss, the soul-sucking annual performance review, the <describe misery here>. 

We’ve worked in those environments. Frankly, we hated it. And we want something different for our team.

Our values are simple: Be Transparent, Be Positive, Be Efficient, Be Generous, and Be Learning.  Nothing fancy or unachievable; just you-should-really-be-doing-these-things-anyway life principles that create the kind of business we can stand behind.

We also recognize we’re all adults here.  Everyone, from the CEOs to the interns, brings a unique genius to the table, whether in leadership, interpersonal skills, positive energy, or good old cerebral horsepower.  If they’re empowered to bring their best, they do.

And because we’re a data analytics company, we measure and recognize performance.  From experience, we know that having an accurate view of key metrics keeps politics and subversion from gaining a foothold.  We all contribute, each pulling our weight, because our effort is reflected in our company scoreboard seen by EVERYONE.  By embracing transparency, we work as a team. As with any sport, our “scoreboard” helps create a gratifying balance of personal achievement and teamwork.

We’re far from perfect, and there are times when tensions run high, but we’ve built a foundation of respect that keeps tensions from festering.  We’re not embellishing to say it’s a delight to work here – especially on random Mondays when our resident expert baker (Amanda) brings in a chocolate cookie cake.

Are you interested in joining our team?  If so, reach out to us.  If we’re the right fit, we’d love to have you join us