If you know Blue Margin, you know we love Book Trust.

In our office you’ll find thank you notes from Book Trust students, a canvas copy of their flagship photo hanging on the wall (taken by our very own Jon Thompson), and, of course, you’ll find a full table of Blue Marginers at their annual fundraising event “Books on Tap”.  Book Trust is Fort Collins grown with a nationwide reach, just like us.

When Book Trust invited us to participate in their classroom book-box reveal at Laurel Elementary School, our team was eager to sign up.  I mean, who wouldn’t love to spend an afternoon reading to children who are excited to crack into their new books! 

Captain Underpants, National Geographic’s Volcanoes!, and Dora the Explorer were just a few of the books we read to first graders at Laurel Elementary.  If we were really lucky, the students read the books to us, even in Spanish! 

It’s always a pleasure to spend an afternoon with eager students who are excited to read.  Book Trust directly impacts student’s lives, and as long-time supporters of their work, we are excited to see them grow to serve more students across the nation.

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